Thursday, November 29, 2012

Technology's Promise, The World Online

2010: The World Online, Chapter 10, pgs. 149-150
As digital technology increases in popularity, so does the innovative ideas that come forth from the different ideas of what could be and how one can make it possible.  Communication is made either with routers and broadband, the one thing that makes it all easy is human cooperation and common sense not to engage in activity that will cause problems.  Otherwise the digital age is our friend that is here is to stay.  The zeros and the ones have a new life form that makes life easier for all and innovation for the future just a thought away.
The forces are seminal and digital because the digital age is here and as it changes, it reshapes how we interact and communicate with each other. Technology has spawned new life and will continue to make new strides in the future which are evident in how society has become dependent upon their devices.The forces are seminal and digital because the digital age is here and as it changes, it reshapes how we interact and communicate with each other. Technology has spawned new life and will continue to make new strides in the future which are evident in how society has become dependent upon their devices.

Technology's Promise, Expert Knowledge on the Transformation of Business and Society
William E. Halal, Palgrave Macmillan, Release Date: June 10, 2008 | ISBN-10: 0230019544 | ISBN-13: 978-0230019546 | Edition: First Edition

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