Thursday, November 29, 2012

Technology's Promise, The World Online

2010: The World Online, Chapter 10, pgs. 149-150
As digital technology increases in popularity, so does the innovative ideas that come forth from the different ideas of what could be and how one can make it possible.  Communication is made either with routers and broadband, the one thing that makes it all easy is human cooperation and common sense not to engage in activity that will cause problems.  Otherwise the digital age is our friend that is here is to stay.  The zeros and the ones have a new life form that makes life easier for all and innovation for the future just a thought away.
The forces are seminal and digital because the digital age is here and as it changes, it reshapes how we interact and communicate with each other. Technology has spawned new life and will continue to make new strides in the future which are evident in how society has become dependent upon their devices.The forces are seminal and digital because the digital age is here and as it changes, it reshapes how we interact and communicate with each other. Technology has spawned new life and will continue to make new strides in the future which are evident in how society has become dependent upon their devices.

Technology's Promise, Expert Knowledge on the Transformation of Business and Society
William E. Halal, Palgrave Macmillan, Release Date: June 10, 2008 | ISBN-10: 0230019544 | ISBN-13: 978-0230019546 | Edition: First Edition

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Bluetooth Technology Animoto Video

Make your own slide show at Animoto.

Try our video maker at Animoto.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Future Bluetooth Innovations

When I read Technology's Promise by William Halal, I was impressed to find that some of the things he talked about was coming to pass or already in place.    Chapter 4 caught my attention because of the Biometrics, wireless, artificial intelligence and smart sensors.

Although I identified multiple forces, it was hard to choose from.  However, technological and potential spoke to me the most because of my focus on Bluetooth.  I like all the possibilities that Bluetooth technology has to offer if explored with an open mind. 

Technological explorations to me says taking technology to new heights and directions, and potential provide a challenge to try different things and go where no one has gone, but making one's imagination do the work and one's mind do the work.

Halal, W.E., Technology's Promise, Palgrave Macmillian, ISBN 978-0-230-01954-6

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Agora Analysis

An analysis of a feature within the SDP process as discussed in the New Agora paper is the 7 modules such as the application, time phases, discovery, design and action.  The 7 modules bring simplicity to the democracy of the process and provide organization within the process to any complex situation.  The democratic decision making on difficult issues gives each person involved an opportunity to be heard since everyone has an opinion.

These features apply because the application would have to be evaluated; the time phases would show multiple instances such as trends with users, how long transmissions take, and how valid the transmission actually are.  Discovery of the technology may take some time, but would depend on the need along with how well the application works. 

The process would be helpful in the innovation idea of using a mobile device to analyze a patient and transmit the information to their physician.   Since every new idea has to be evaluated, having a panel of various individual to test the product would be very helpful in gaining popularity as the application and/or product is used.  

While watching an episode of the Doctors, shown on channel 2 at 9:00 am, on Thursday, November 1, 2012, a women demonstrated that using a scope placed over the  camera on the iPhone, one could examine the inside of their ear and send that information to a monitor and see what is taking place in the ear canal.  The other tool was an application that could detect a person's heart rate, both resting and after activity.  These results are recorded and analyzed.  This was not much different from the what was presented on the Ted Talks website.  This type of technology would be helpful going forward and beneficial for those who may not have transportation, but can send this information to a physician for evaluation.

The SDP support planning for innovation and change provides a platform that allows for evaluation and justification as to why the technology would be useful for many going forward.  Identifying different uses help support why mobile devices will change the lives of many and the way medical care is provided.

The paper also covered the different methods such as consensus, NGT and Delphi which look at how decisions are comprised while looking at spreadthink, which covers ideas all over and groupthink, which covers the consensus of everyone convinced to think in a certain way.  The methods offer variety to a diverse group with different ways of viewing a situation, but leads to one idea and conclusion.  

The diagram below is more insightful in the how we see things, the different shapes could be viewed as the issues and ideas later broken down to a more organized manner to show clarity.

The two forces are universal and goal which have the greatest impact on this innovation because of the overall objective.  Its influence is in the steps and the process followed resulting in the universal goal for the decision making process.

It is interesting how a process that was used so many years ago can still be used for future innovations in different ways to accomplish a decision.  We make take for granted making a decision, but when you want to make the right decision in the best interest of many, you need group diversity to participate and the SDP process helps to facilitate this decision making process in an orderly manner without persuasion.  The future of this decision making process is by way of mobile device and voting options and a wireless device to acquire answers with anonymity.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Delphi Method and Modified Nominal Group Technique

The Delphi method has been used for many purposes in decision making such as forecasting key issues in IS management, as well as polling, brainstorming, modeling and visioning.  When used to collect data for polling and statistics in research, modification and improvement would provide better tracking. 

The Modified Nominal Group technique (NGT) is a method that gathers data based on opinion through surveys, focus groups, interviews, feedback, and evaluations, yet like the Delphi method, it also uses brainstorming to obtain ideas, problem solve and prioritize.  The NGT method uses organization in its approach to evaluating the information collected to gain a certain vantage point from its participants.  The eight (8) steps used in the NGT process is geared toward getting a specific outcome, but it be implemented for many uses.

The future innovation of Bluetooth technology incorporated with mobile devices designed to record and transmit patient information to physicians would be a great and beneficial tool.  Using the Delphi method with open collaboration would best suit the purpose of gathering information and brainstorming because there is so much detail and additional work in the design, implementation, and application of the project.

The forces in both papers are organizational and critical. The two methods help research to be more organized and allows the findings to be more critically analyzed.

Cornish, Edward; Futuring: The Exploration of the Future; ISBN 0-930242-61-0
Dobbie, Alison, MD; Rhodes, Martin, FRCGP; Tysinger, James W., PhD; Freeman, Joshua, MD; Using a Modified Nominal Group Technique As a Curriculum Evaluation Tool; Core Concepts in Family Medicine Education; Family Medicine, June 2004

Skulmoski, Gregory J., Hartman, Francis T., and Krahn, Jennifer; The Delphi Method for Graduate Research; Journal of Information Technology Education, Volume 6, 2007